WARHAMMER 40,000 Genestealer Management Quest Mature - Sci-Fi (2025)

The report had come in as Shexia tapped her fingers on the desktop, her eyes narrowed. Her efforts had been spun wildly during this week - to get the Pure into position, the cultists readied, to move in and start to collet Korine. She wanted to be there when she was turned, the idea filling her with a warm delight. She also was fairly sure that-

The door opened with a click.

She lifted her gaze.

"Lot?" she asked, as her armsmaster walked in, his face impassive. Unreadable. Even. "What is it?"

"Report on the Korine situation," he said. "She's gone. Vanished into the night."

"Shit," Shexia hissed.

"There's something else."

The three words ticked inside of her brain. She lifted her gaze, frowning. "Yes?" she asked. Her finger started to rub, gently, on the golden ring on her left finger - a ring she had worn ever since she had become an interrogator. Her thumb slipped along it just so, gently caressing the pure, unblemished gold. Lot's rough face was craiggy, weathered, and he was looking at her with the same stupid passivity he used for every situation. His carapace armor glittered and his hands were clasped by his front.

"The new men, you said we need order'd up, hmm?"

"The local doorkickers, yes," Shexia said.

Lot looked right at her.

Shexia felt a cold twitch in her belly.

"Shite," he said, softly.

Shexia didn't know what twist in her features, what tiny expression betrayed her. She lifted her hand, clenched her fist, and fired the Jokero needler directly at Lot. Lot grunted as the needle slammed into his arm. He hissed, his other hand already drawing his blunt, deadly inferno pistol. He yanked his needle free, the bright blue veins of the qindar venom shooting up his neck. He hissed, his eyes flashing, his hand struggling to lift the inferno pistol. The venom burning through him should have stopped his heart.

But Lot always was a tough bastard.

Shexia grabbed her drawer, yanked it open, drew the bolt pistol with the stalker rounds, lifted it, aimed, and with a shockingly soft whthump put a bolt shell into Lot's mouth. His head came apart like a fruit, smashed and blooming outwards. Blood flecked the desk and splattered her face, her arms, her hands.

Lot fell, his body twitching as the venom continued to work on his nervous system.

Shexia lowered her pistol. Hoarfrost collected on the windows as she breathed slowly, trying to remember the strictures, the wall in her mind that kept the door between her and there closed. Closed up tight.

I have...I have a few minutes.

A few minutes to...

To what!?

We're in personal character mode! Shexia has a corpse and a company of Inquisitorial agents around her. They will notice this. What does she do?

[ ] Call in Yolanda, bring the cult in to take the place by force as quickly as they can, while she sabotages within.
[ ] Try and frame Lot for being fallen to Chaos - pin the Maleovlent and the kidnapping on him.
[ ] Leave. Get to your sisters first, and for the first time in months, simply be safe.
[ ] Write In

Fun fact: Shexia gets +3d for her passion, her duty, and her craving, which is to do a good job, to the cult (she lost her old duty) and her craving "yolanda's approval" - you really did a number on her, huh?

Lot gets 2x6, Shexia got 3x5, Shexia's Jokero microneedler hits his arm, doing 3k, which is enough to inject the venom.

The qindar venom kicks in with a 3x9 set - the major effect (immediate death) kicks in, but Lot can make a Body+Vigor roll to try and kick that down to the minor effect: He gets a 2x10! He is still alive, but the minor effects kick in: He can take no actions for the next 5-Width rounds, which means that Shexia has one round to grab her bolt pistol, one round to aim, one round to called shot to the head, getting 2x10, which does 3s/3k to the head, which has only four health levels, so that's 2 free-floating shock, which becomes 1 killing, which slaps him to 4k, which makes him QUITE dead.

...you guys are SUPER lucky I re-read the how resisting venom and poison works, I thought his 2x10 would just...no sell the venom, nope! It just downgrades it one step. In the original rolls, they both managed to kill each other with a rapid fire exchange of highly damage attacks, Lot lost his head and Shexia her left arm and most of her torso. So, glad that didn't happen!

WARHAMMER 40,000 Genestealer Management Quest Mature - Sci-Fi (2025)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.