The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)

Sheboygan Press, Thursday. January 18, 1979 Classified Ads Aitnouricemerrts Campbell Cops NEA Awards It may be the best football! Jim Thorpe Trophy JVFL Flayer Of The Year 197t Eort Compbell, rb, Houston W77 Walter Pavton, rt. Chicago 1976 Bert Jones, go. Baltimore W7S Fro Torfcenton, ao. Minnesota 1974 Kwi Stabler.

at. Oakland 1973 O. J. Simpson, rb. Butfolo 1972 Larry Brown, rb.

Washington 1971 Bob Grlese. gb. Mlomi 1970 John Brodi. ab. San Fran- Roman Gabriel, ab.

Los Anoelet Earl MorraH. ab. Baltimore 1967 jonn Unitos. ab, Baltimore 1966 Bart Starr, ab. Green Boy 1965 Jim Brown, rb.

Clevelond 1964 Lenny Moore, rb. Baltimore 1963 (tie) Jim Brown, rb. Cleveland V. A. Tittle, ab, Y.

Giants 1962 Jim Taylor, rb. Green Boy 1961 Y. A. Tittle, ab, N.V. Giants passing situations because Earl is still learning to fathom procoverages.

Only Gale Sayers, with 14 touch- -downs, exceeded Campbell as rookie. And Campbell was toughest when it counted. He got the from quarterback Dan Pastorini 57 times in short yardage situations three yards or fewer for a first down and he picked up the first down 39 times for a percentage of .684. He runs," says Pastorini, "like he'S got a rocket tied to i urn anu a gyruscwpc ui ma stomach. There's no comparison with past runners.

The style isi uniquely his own. Campbell is fairly squat at i 5-11 and powerfully muscled 224 pounds, especially thick the thighs, with great ac-! celeration. He runs low to the ground and is difficult to knock off his feet because of. fine, instinctive balance. The Oilers get maximum results by using him as the Hoan Kafir in the l-fnrmatinn much the same as he was deployed in college.

He's at full-, throttle by the time he reaches the line of scrim 1 I mage. By MURRAY OLDERMAN HOUSTON (NEA) About the time of the National Football League draft last spring, the Houston Oilers changed broadcast plans for this season. They switched from their own 13-station radio network to an 80-statkn web covering four states. "Anything we can do for you?" Jack Cherry of the Oilers front office asked his new broadcast partners. "Sure," came the answer.

"Get Earl Campbell." 'A day later. Bum Phillips, the coach and general manager of the Oilers, was sitting in Cherry's office. Campbell, the Heisman Trophy winner from the University of Texas, was sure to be the first man chosen in the 1978 draft. The I Tampa Bay Buccaneers had that pick. Other teams had been dickering to trade for the rights to Campbell.

The Oilers hadn't really made a bid. "Say," mused Bum, "let's; get John on the phone." i was John McKay, the coach and general manager of the Buccaneers.) The phone call lasted 10 minutes. In those 10 minutes, Bum worked out the deal that brought Campbell to the Oilers: the teams swapped first-! round draft picks. Houston also gave up a No. 2 draft pick in '78; and third-andl fifth-round picks in '79.

And. Red Wings Snap Winless Streak the Oilers sent spare tight was 4.8 yards. He scored 13 end Jimmie Giles to Tampa touchdowns, although the Oil-Bay. ers generally yanked him in BOWLING deal ever for the Oilers. Climaxing the top season) ever by a rookie running back the long history of the NFL, Campbell today received an unprecedented honor: He was named the winner of both the 1978 Jim Thorpe Trophy as the player of the year and the 1978 Bert Bell; Trophy as the rookie of the year.

-r-i ine awaras esiaousneai by Newspaper Enterprise As sociation are derived from a vine ui ine team captains, player representatives and coaches of the 28 clubs in the NFL. The tallies weren't even close. Campbell was a runaway player of the year winner over two fine veteran quarterbacks Terry Bradshaw of the Pittsburgh Steelers and Roger Staubach of the Dallas Cowboys. His only competi-1 tion, a distant second, for the rookie award was defensive end Al Baker of the Detroit Lions. Campbell gained his margins as impressively as he led the NFL in rushing although he missed one game with pulled hamstring muscle ana most of another with a cracked rib that still bothers him.

The statistics are worth noting. He carried the ball 302 times for 1,450 yards, the most ever by a first-vear back. His average per carry NORTH BOWL HIGH ROLLERS Lvnette Rakun 537, Sandy Bohiman 512, Aanes Relss 509. LAKESHORE WED. EARLY RISERS Lorraine Graete 509, Geri Stanoel 508, Joyce Stanoel 503 NORTH BOWL WEO.

A.M. HOT CAKES Doris Zltier S62. NORTH BOWL WEO. A.M. COFFEE Connie Straus 557, Donna Mover 528, Ruth Ronk 520, Marlon Blaalke 516.

Ar-lene Nauschultz 501, Carol Graef 526, Fran Gehrig 514. NORTH BOWL WED. A M. OONUT -Pat Juers 520. Jone Lvdolph 507, GMnv Hogemeier 500.

STARLITE TUES. BUSINESSMEN'S John Norrts 627, Dick Von De Kreeke 627, Tom Mersberoer 626, Dennis Krue-chke 622. Chuck Keenig 616. Dove Lambert 601. CASEY JONES WED.

LADIES KOFFEE LATCH Lois Hodge 532, Kettv Rohde 511. Oebbv Jones 510, Jeanne Wogner 518, Wendy Steinhardt 540. Judy Richards 500, Rose Hooan 517. 10. Judv Richards 500.

Rase NORTH BOWL ALLEY CATS', Karen Klunck 521. Chris Wooner 500. ELKS LAOIES WED. AFTERNOON Cvrillo Rosenberger 502, Betty Re-oenshek 511. MAPLE LANES WED.

MORNING KOFFEE KLATCH Betty Merkel 538. MAPLE LANES TUES. LEAGUE Julie Martin 513, Pat Grams 520, Kathv Tenpas 517. STARLITE WEO. MOONLITERS -Bonnie Stoeltlng 553, Rosemory Leon-hard 547, Shirley Gall 526, Kris Havon 523, Iris Wagner 519, Karen Kuhn 511, Kathv Kant 510, June Wlegand 509, Jes- CAT 1mm C-hmitr 406 maple lanes 2nd sun.

night rntiDi ct nm Minntm LU. Terrl Korle S14, Donna Karle 511. NORTH BOWL TUES. MORNING COFFEE Kottile Berger 547 Sue Swoboda 530, Phyllis BrlHowskl 526. Nancy Von ROoyen 522, Donna Wlllmon 516.

Agnes Schmtti 502. ROOT'S 3 STAR Wally Reklaltlsi 636. Dick Weber 602. NORTH BOWL WED. NITE MINOR Bob Zelle 612.

AVENUE PUB WED. NITE LADIES Linda Wlegand 548. i LAKESHORE SUNSET Tom Seer-. Ing 615. Lorten Berchem 608, Ken Brunnbauer 600, Morv Peterson 601.

LAKESHORE WED. GFL Doris Zltier 522, Donna Lutike 513 m. Mor'geEMas1erson 50 ArehVKBecker novo royne fm nguo st, i Morcella Prath 526, Mildred Torke 514, dim none 3,, Lorrolne Lou 501. MAPLE LANES SR CITIZENS (2 Games) Joe Chopp 364, Harvev Schuette 362, Walter Dottal 354, Rav Eisner 348, Stan Lastusky 340, Oliver Woltgrom 338. Ed Huberty 320, Al Phalen 317.

Ray Lelkip 314, Henry Cslda 301. Esther Cslda 327, Betty Balde 313, Florence Bohnboch 294. STARLITE LITTLE STRIKERS (2 Gomes) Jeff Knuth 286, Scott Vollnski 230, Don Murphy 225, Jason Knuth 216, Shannon Frltsch 205. a ball nis at in uia the he of we we out a if Thuecks Leads At 702 By The Associated Press The Detroit Red Wings won. The National Hockey Xeague's longest winless streak this season has been snapped at 11 games.

The Red Wings, who hadn't held an opponent to one goal since Nov. 11 and hadn't won since Dec. 20, beat the Pittsburgh Penguins 4-1 Wednesday night. The Red Wings, who had made a habit of giving games away in the third period, scored three times in a 6:13 span of that session to clinch triumph. And Coach Bobby Kromm couldn't have been happier.

"This is the way we have to win: getting an effort from 19 guys like we did last year," said. "We're still not out it (the playoff picture). If can cut the deficit to six or seven points by February and then get the adrenaline going, COUld be flEht back in the 1 playoff picture." But first, they've got to get i of the Norris Division eel-! lar. The triumph tied them Annoiincementf 12 LEGAL NOTICES, the City of Sheboygan, County of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. The applicant proposes a capital expenditure of 130.600.

This proposal has been assigned for review and comment to the Northeastern Wisconsin Health systems Agency, Inc. (NEWHSA), Rice Building. 828 Cherry Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301. ine NtwriA win make com ments on the prooosal to the Division of Health no later than March 21, 1979. Any affected person may request a public meeting on this proposal by contacting the Health Systems Agency men tioned above witnin ten 101 aavs of the dote of this notice.

Notifica tion of the date of ony public meeting on this project will be provided in the newsletter of the NEWHSA for February, i79. The Division of Health will make preliminary determination on the proposal within five (5) davs of tne receipt ot me recommendation of the NEWHSA. The Division of Health will make a final determination 30 dovs after it receives the HSA's comments. For the Division of Healtn ROBERT DURKIN, Administrator. Date: January 4, 1979 Pub.

Jan. 18-25-Feb. 1. 1979 SUMMONS STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT SHEBOYGAN COUNTY AMERICAN FAMILY INSUR ANCE COMPANY, a Wisconsin corDcyation, 2433 North Mayfair Road, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and GENE GELTEMEYER, 20 Fond du Lac Avenue, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Plaintiffs, vs JOY M. DZIELSKI, Address Unknown, Defendant.

Case No. 79CV31 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, To said defendant: YOU ARE HEREBY SUM MONED and required to serve upon NASH. SPINDLER, DEAN GRIMSTAD, plaintiffs' attor neys, whose address Is P.O. Box 1128, 926 South Eighth Street, Manitowoc. Wisconsin 54220, an answer to the complaint which is served uoon vou within forty (40) days after 18th day of January, 1979, (Date ot first requirea puo-lication) exclusive of such date.

If no such personal or substituted rjersonal service has been made. and service is made by publica tion That case of vour failure to serve an answer within the time fixed, iudament will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint. NASH, SPINDLER, DEAN GRIMSTAD ROBERT L. MCCKACKcN P.O. Address: P.O.

Box 1128 Manitowoc, Wis. 54220 18 TRAVEL SECTION AARP Chapter 338 TOUR FIRESIDE PLAYHOUSE Play carnival Feb. 21st. Price $17.50 Call Herman Light, 452-3032 DISCOVERY WORLD TRAVEL PRESENTS HOLIDAY ON ICE Feb. 3.

Feb. 4. Milwaukee I5. FOR WOMEN 28. Chicaao.

Sara Lee Bakery Magic Pan, Fashion Show $16. CRUISE March 24-31, Costa Lines sojs, All inclusive. Departs Sheboygan. CALIFORNIA 21 Day Motor coach Tour. June 17-july ex corted from Sheboygan, includes Reno.

San Francisco, Los An geles, Las Vegas, more $979. FOR DETAILS IN SHEBOYGAN Ph. 457-2243 1045 Penn Ave at tne unage IN PLYMOUTH Ph. 893-0502 125 E. Mill Street 20 LOST AND FOUND COLLIE FOUND Male, Hwy 42 and 32 at Howards Grove, no collar.

Ph. 565-3307. GLASSES LOST Bifocols Mens. Vicinity ot Htn ana Huron. Ph.

458-759. KEYS FOUND At 8th ond Soring ring with name tag. Ph. 458-3338 ond identity SAMOYED LOST Left home, 11th nnrl Persh na. Jan.

1ST Children waiting for their pet of 5 years. Reword! Ph. 459-BI4U SHEPHERD SAMOYED MIX nst Female. Golden brown. Oostburg Area.

Answers to Gypsy. REWARD! Ph. 564-2632, after 5:30 p.m. FOUND German Shorthalr female; Lao spaniel pups male. German Shepherd, male Soantel, mix, male; Great Dane, mix ouos, male an female; Samoyed, mix male Beagle female; Shepherd mil nuo.

male: Afahan. male co*cker Terrier, male. Sheboy gon Humane Society. HAVE A HEART Vi nriuertlsed FREE of charge I the Sheboygan Press Classified Advert na Section, mis is community service and subject to change without notice. Ph.

457-7711 Before 4:30 p.m., Sat. 12 noon 22 PERSONALS Let Us Put Your WEDDING IN BLOOM We have everything to make your wedding a beautiful occasion, Hoffman's Flowerland Corner 12th and Michigan Ave, llSLE With Th PrtMi Happy A. n- LEGAL WOTWM Kokes that the Sheboygan Board Education Secretarial-Clerical Employees, Local No. 1750. AFSCME, AFL-CIO be granted a six cent per hour increase adjust ment effective retroactively fo January 1, 1979, per the Consumer Price Index renegotiation provisions prescribed in Schedule of the Secretarial Agreement.

Motion carried. Moved by Mattern seconded bv Rishet that the Board of Educa tion go info executive session. Motion carried. Moved bv Nehrino seconded bv Rtshel that a school administra tor be informed in writing that the Boord of Education is giving preliminary consideration to me non-renewal of his contract for the 1979-80 school year per State Statute 118.22. Motion carried.

Moved by Jensen seconded bv AAottern that Sheboygan Area School District administrators be granted a 6 percent across the board increase in all salary categories and a 2 percent provision for merit adjustment as per the report of the odhoc committee effective July 1, 1979. Motion car ried. Moved bv Griffith seconded bv Steinhaus that the Board of Education make provision for full group lite insurance coverage for administrators effective July 1, 1979. Motion carried. Moved bv Jensen seconded bv Naber that the proposed revision in ARR 4160 NC, Administrative ond Support Staff, pertaining to a auota on the use of sabbatical leaves be adopted as presented.

Motion carried. Moved bv Nehrlna seconded bv Jensen that the proposed revision in ARR 4160 NC, Administrative and Support Staff, pertaining to reaulred orofessional inservlce for administrators be adopted ef fective July 1, 1979. Motion car ried. Moved bv Jensen seconded bv, Rishel that no changes be made in current policy pertaining to administrative vacation benefits. Motion carried.

Moved bv Mattern seconded bv Griffith that the recommendation of the adhoc committee to the effect that no changes be made in administrative travel pay rates at this time be approved. It is un derstood that additional information should be provided the Boord of Education in Julv, 1979, pertaining to possible revision. Morion carried. Moved bv Rishel seconded bv Nehring that early retirement provisions be provided adminis trators as other professional staff members and that stipulation for same be included in ARR 4160 nc. Motion carried.

Moved bv Nehrina seconded bv Ebenreiter that the matter per taining to elimination ot tne li salary schedule be referred to the meeting of the Committee of the Whole to be held on January 15, 1979. Motion carried. Moved bv Kokes seconded bv Ebenreiter that the matter of across the board salary increases and merit adjustments be recon sidered. Motion carried. Moved bv Kokes seconded bv Nehring that administrative staff of the Shebovaan Area School District be granted 7 percent ac ross tne board Increase in all salary categories and that a 2 percent provision be made for merit odlustment effective July 1, 1979.

Motion carried. Moved bv Nehring seconded bv yoiiratn that rne meeting be ad- lournea. moTion carriea. DR. WARREN SOETEBER.

Secretary and Superintendent. Pub. Jan. 18-25-Feb. 1, 1979 SUMMONS STATEOF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT BR.

I SHEBOYGAN COUNTY WISCONSIN POWER AND LIGHT A WIS. Plaintiff vs KATHY PRICKETT. Defendant. You are herehv uimmrmeH nnrl requirea to serve upon KooerT s. Boerner, plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 720 Erie Aven ue, snebovgan, a demand for a coov of the complaint within 40 days after the 18th day of Jan uary, 1979 exclusive of the date lust stated, ond in case of vour failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against vou according miv uvmuitu ui nit: luinuiumi.

ROBERT S. Boerner Attorney for Plaintiff 720 Erie Avenue Sheboygan, WI 53081 Phone: (414) 452-1181 Pub. Jan. 18-25-Feb. 1, 1979 SUMMONS STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT BR.

II SHEBOYGAN COUNTY SHEBOYGAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Plaintiff vs DAVID A. KUEHL, Defendant. You are hereby summoned ond rAmiired to serve uoon Robert S. Boerner, plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 720 Erie Avenue, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, a demand for a copy of the complaint within 40 days after the 18th day of January, 1979 exclusive of the date iust stated, and In rnu of vour fai ure so to ao. iudament will be rendered oaainst vou according to the demand of the complaint.

ROBERT S. BOERNER Attorney for the Plaintiff 720 Erie Avenue Sheboygan, WI 53081 Phone: (414) 452-1181 Pub. Jan. 18, 1979 PUBLIC NOTICE WCI KETTLE MORAINE Notice Is hereby given that on Tuesday, February 20, 1979 a public hearing will be held at 7:00 P.M. In the Town Hall, Town of Greenbush.

Greenbusn, Wiscon sin. The purpose will be discussion of the draft facilities plan for additions and moditcations to the institution's wastewater treat ment olant. This document includes a com- nlete descrlDtion of the works, al ternative additions to these works, a description of the land use ond environmental effects of the various alternatives, and cost data for each alternative. The document Is available tor public inspection ot the WCI Kettle Moraine. Mead and Hunt, 2320 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin, and at Wis.

Bureau of Facilities Management, 1 W. Wil ton Street, Madison, Wisconsin. Pub. Jan. 1979 PUBLIC NOTICE St.

Nicholas Hospital Pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 150, Wis. St. Nicholas Hospital of the Hospital Sisters ot St. Francis of 1601 Taylor Drive, Sheboygan applied to the Wisconsin, Department of Health and Social services. Division of Health on August 11.

1978 for approval tor the non-Invasive vatcular testing service to be located at 918 Hurion Avenue in ANNOUNCEMENTS REPLIES To the following blind ods have been received uo to 4.30 p.m. Vesterdov at The Press office. All replies will be mailed Friday. 2104. 2111.

2112. 2114. 21 IS, 2116. 2120. 2122, 2123.

2130. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING "The People's Marketplace" It's So Easv To Place Your ACTION AD Just Call 457-7711 And Ask For "CLASSIFIED" 0 THIS IS A SAMPLE three line family od. An ad this size contains an average of 15 words. 3 LINES 8 DAYS For Only $6.50 Net (Non-Commercial) 0 THIS SAMPLE four line fomilv od allows more room for better de-scription of goods or services tor better results 4 LINES 8 DAYS For Only $8.05 Net (Non-Commercial) 0 Be sure to order your Press Action Ad on the economical 8 day rate. When cancelled, you will be charged only for the number of days the od actually ran.

Please Note In case of error, advertiser must make corrections before second insertion. All advertising subject to approval of the publisher. DEADLINES Family tvbe classified ads and in column ads must be placed by 4 p.m. the day before publication Saturdays before 12 noon. To Cancel Ads Call before 4 P.M.

Weekdays SATURDAYS Before Noon Ph. 457-7711 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED MESSAGE TO CLASSIFIED USERS Before You Call An Advisor To Place Vour Ad CONSIDER THIS: You are about to invest money for an ad and we want you to get results. To accomplish this it is nerMKnrv for vou to TELL ALL nbout trie details of vour offer. Be sure you don make aiw ot tne following errors tnai preveni re sults: 1. DON'T OMIT THE ADDRESS Manv out-of-town readers will write you dut win not spena money tor a long distance can.

2. DON'T OMIT THE PHONE NUMBER Many readers will call you but not find it convenient to come to your home. 3. DON'T CONCEAL THE PRICE DE5IKCU Survevs show that a hiah Der centage of readers will not answer an ad unless the price is given. DON'T LEAVE HOME ON THE DAYS YOU ADVERTISE Manv aood prospects will not call Tne secona nine vuu miiuiic ia unanswered.

5. DON'T OMIT IMPORTANT WOKUS TO SAVE MONEY Readers can'f guess on impor tant details. Kememoer, a wen written, informative od will get results faster and cost much less in the long run. 6. DON'T OVERLOOK OUR 8 TIME PLAY SAFE PLAN You'll get the biggest parade of readers at tne lowest price.

I vou sell vour mercnandis ahead of time iust call and can cel, you pay lust for wnat you use. Only tor i lines ror times. TO CANCEL ADS Call Before 4 P.M. Weekdays Saturday Til Noon YOUR NEEDS SATISFIED THRU PRESS CLASSIFIED CALL TODAY 457-7711 WANT ADS WORK WONDERS Pub. Jan 1979 BOARD OF EDUCATION Sheboygan Area School District snebovaan, Wisconsin Minutes of a Special Meeting January 8, 1979 A special meeting of the Board of Education of the Sheboygan Area School District was held the Board of Education Room on the 8th dav of January, ivv, 7:30 p.m., Mrs.

David Gorton, Prekldent. nresid na. Present: Mrs. Robert Eben relter, Mrs. David Gorton, Mrs, Robert Grff th, Peter Jensen Peter Kokes.

Mrs. Robert Mat tern, Robert Naber, Frederic Nehrina. El wood Rishel, Mrs, Donald Steinhaus, Mrs. Richard Vnllrath. Excused: Curtis Jackson, Raw- son Price.

Moved by Nehring seconded by Vollrath that the agenda be ap proved. Motion carried. Moved by Vollrath seconded bv 33 Aismwnccrnentt 77 PERSONALS GOING TO SOUTHERN CALI FORNIA about Jan. a. Look ing for someone to drive and share expenses.

Ph. 1-994-9418. MARY KAY COSMETICS LoccH Representative Linda Wolf 467-2245 MIKE AND GEORGE Turning 30 and being dirty is nothing new todav. but we still core ond vour thinning hair will not keep us owav. Still love you.

The Lincoln Leoxers ENT A MOTORHOME Plan your Foil or Winter vacation now. Ph. 564-2261 or 457-4877. No Sunday colls please. DO YOU NEED INFORMATION? There is a help line for those who are PREGNANT.

CALL BIRTHRIGHT IS READY TO HELP YOU 457-2457 STUDENT SEEKING RIDE to U.W. Stevens Point, Sunday Jan. 21. Ph. 457-7044.

Ink fm Vtr Man ta Th OtrsiiJM StKliM Ft A FREE MOVIE PASS! Good For One Admission (Subject To Service Charge) To A Sheboygan Press CLASSIFIED READER iNOW PLAYING! Currr Eastwood viUTuari YOU Which Vay Dut Loose Pick Up Pom At Sheboygan Prtrsi Office Transportation 102 AUTOS FOR SALE BLAZER 1974. 350, 4 speed. 000 miles. S5OQ0. pn.

ms-mw. BUICK 1978 Estate Wogon. Loaded, immaculate, low mne-oge. Ph. 467-6004.

BUICK 1977 Regal. V8 auto matic. T-top, tilt steering, power brakes, air, AMFM -8 track Stereo, crushed velvet Interior. Excellent condition. S5995.

Ph. 467-3837. CAMARO 1978 28. 4 speed 12,000 miles, call between ana 6 p.m. Ph.

892-6886. CHEV SHORTBOX 1978, 4 4. 5200 miles, still under warranty black, Silverado package, auto matic, all terrain ilres, roll bar, brush bar, AM-FM-CB radio, much more. $7800. 1972 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, silver, 2 door, automatic, new motor, new tires, new brakes, leather interior, W-30 fiberglass hood, $2300.

Both in excellent condition. Ph. 458-3824. 'COWBOY CADILLAC" El Ca-mino SS. Runs good, new paint, wheels.

Asking S2000. 467-6189. CORVETTE 1972 with T-top. 350 LTI, 4 speea. i-orest green with saddle interior.

TA radial tires and flares. Must sell. Ask-Ing S5500. Ph. 458-9030 after 4 DODGE VAN 1978 Tradesman.

5000 miles, excellent conamon. Very reasonable. Ph. 458-6634 offer 3 p.m. DODGE 1973 Charger SE, like new, S1725 or, best otter, rn.

459-7024. DODGE VAN 1977. Custom. Completely loaaea. nyone ooie to sell this $8,000 van for $7,000 will receive $100.

Ph. 452-3855. FORD VAN 1972. 8 track, AM- FM radio, CB, custom interior. Asking $2000.

Ph. 458 9735. FORD GRANADA 1976 4-Door. Six engine. Kustprooteo.

w.uuu miles. $349S or make offer. Ph. 458-4107. FORD 1974 Mustang II, Moch I.

Must sell i' Any reasonaoie offer. Ph. 452-9402. JEEP 1974 Wagoneer. 4 Wheel Drive, very gooo conamon.

Best offer. Ph. 458-0502, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MERCURY COUGAR 1968.

428 engine, 4 speed transmission. Ph. 457-0660. MONTE CARLO 73 Landau. Air conditioning, tilt-wheel, radial tires.

Ph. 1-526-3550 davs; after 5:30, 1-526-3BU6. MONZA 1975 Hatchback Coupe. 4 speed, 35,000 miles. $2495 or best otter.

Ph. 467-2890. MUSTANG II 1974. 4 cylinder, 4 speed. Interior very good, no rust, excellent tires, runs great.

77,000 highway miles. $2200. Ph. 467-6241 offer 6 p.m. NOVA 1976 V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, 4 door sedan, low milage, rust proofed, new exhaust and battery, $3600.

Ph. 458-9207. Money Winners Arrive Arrive Chicago Frequency Dally Dully Daily 'ii txwlrXwk Vw 4tyWyhr for fourth place with the; Stnrte hriritir Washington Capitals, luuJ have three more victories. Ho, Name wi host the Both clubs are 15-points be- rvr hccL-oii Qne national honor count was reported today and that by Mitch Thuecks with a 702 in the Anchor Lanes Thursday Nite Major. His games were 244, 224 and 234.

Scott Babino led junior ac tivity with a 654 In the North Bowl Singles Classic. Leading women was Evelyn Bosshardt with a 593 in the Starlite Tuesday A.M. Coffee League on games of 173, 209 and 211 for the Could Do Bet ters. Other top women's scores were: 588 Cathy Paulson, 177 180, 231, for Apple Jacks in the Lakeshore Early Birds. 587 Bev Verhulst, 214, 158, 215, in the Anchor Lanes Monday Nite Ladies.

580 Paulson, 183, 214 183, in the Lakeshore Wo men's Classic. 577 Elaine Berchem, 189, 208, 180, in the Lakeshore Wo men's Classic. ANCHOR THUDS. NITE MAJOR Mitch Thuecks 702, Rick Feldmonn 634, Mark Kissinger 624, Olck Bennln Dave Hartmann 610, Herman Hembel 609, Dave Limbero 608, Jim McNeese NORTH BOWL JR SINGLES CLAS SIC Scott Boblno 6S4, Jet) Sell SS. Mark Pelt er S40.

STARLITE TUES. A.M. COFFEE Eve vn Bosshardt 593. LAKESHORE EARLY BIRDS cathv Paulson 588. Judv Jorman 525.

ANCHOR MON. NITE Bev Verhulst 587. Bonn scfiuwr 554. Betty Muenen- bach 546, Connie Krupp 521, Joyce Kulow 5 9, Janell Bardon 517, Lesa Nel son 508, Bette Humbrocht 501, Doris Hanke 500. LAKESHORE WOMEVS CLASSIC Cathy Paulson 580, Jo Ninnemon 573, Elaine Berchem 577, Karen Belning 569, Yvonne Stelner 563, Jon Murray 549, Sue Sleber 549.

Charier Schicker 549, Delores Paske 539, Genie Frank 533, Mary Rodemachor 512, jeonette Do-Karike 504. Natidlne Guske 501. STARLITER'S WED. NITE Mary Goedeke 564, Karen Kuhn 552, Donna Bender 541, Shirley Gall 539, Marlyn Herzoo 537, Anges Schmltz 512, Carol Miibrotn 510. I960 Norm Van Brocklln, ab, Phllo- ffsf Charlie Conerty, of).

NY. Giants ivao jim orown, ro, iieveiana 1957 jonn unitos, ob. Baltimore 1956 Fronk Giftord. rb, N.V. Giants I9 Harlan Hill, Chlcooo Bears Bert Bell Trophy NFL Rookie Of The Year 1970 Earl Campbell, rb, Houston 1977 Tony Dor sett, rb, Dallas 1976 Mike Havnes (AFC), cb, New England Sommv While (NFC), rb, Minnesota W5 Robert Brazil (AFC), lb, Houston Steve Bartfcowskl (NFL), ab, Atlanta 1974 Don Woods, rb, San Dteao 1973 Boooe Clark (AFC), rb, Cincinnati Chuck Foreman (NFC), rb, Minnesota 197? Franco Harris (AFC), rb.

Pittsburgh Boy L'1. wiiiie ovcnanon (NFC), ab. Green Jim Plunkett (AFC), ab. New tngiano John Brocktnoton (NFC), rb. Green Bav 1970 Raymond Chester, te, Oakland 1969 Calvin Hill, rb, Dallas 1968 Earl McCullouch wr, Detroit 1967 Mel Farr, rb, Detroit 1966 Tommy Nobis, lb, Atlanta 1965 Gale Sayers, rb, Chicago 1964 Charlie Taylor, wr, Washington Canadiens 7, Kings 3 Pat Hughes scored three goals and Mark Napier had two as the Montreal rookies paced the Canadiens' rout of the Kings.

Guy Lafleur, whose point-scoring streak was snapped at 23 games Tuesday night in Vancouver, started another one with a goal and two assists. Rangers 5, Islanders 3 Second-period goals by Ulf Nilsson, Ron Duguay and Mike McEwen helped the Rangers build a 5-1 lead on the way to victory. The loss snapped the 23-game unbeaten streak of Islanders goalie Glen Resch. Black Hawks 2, Rockies 1 Ted Bui ley scored a pair of third-period goals to ruin a 53-save performance by Colorado goalie Bill Oleschuk and carry the Black Hawks past the Rockies. IT-JL, TTm MMVJ Tmimiv OUmej tournamet beginning Friday witn mes at 7 an p-m' Play Wi" resume 0n SatUr' at 9:30 a in' throuohoilt the dav.

Sun. day will be the final day with games at 1 and 2:30 p.m. The isolation and championship Eames wiII at g. and les wm 06 at ana 8 Teams from Sheboygan and tVl(, Diim, VaTlo competing for trophies. QtT Women i rs-nir in 1 UOWUng T0 Sheboygan women will meet on Northeastern Wiscon- Championship Bowling gj.

IXfVtcn 'being slated for 4 p.m. Ye Olde Inn Rallies For Win Ye Olde Inn rallied from a 10-point halftime deficit to outscore Howards Grove by 44-32 in the second half and take a 66-64 Minor A Gold League basketball win. That game also had the league's high scorer John Prange of Howards with 31 Howards rove 11 11 It 1 44 Vi OMt Mm It II 12 Top Scorer H6: John Prange 31 Outre immor I MMMm I I 1 1 47 itmiHiicc in it ii si i Too Scorors Bvthlohom: Weber 20. Ebonozer: Dovt Pockot 23. lion UCC 4 I 4 1 1) ft.

JonnUCC 1111111 7S Too scorers 2ion: jonn scniinng o. St. John: Jim NetAom to. Slow ftroak LTI 111 111-41 MoflMrM Dr. Bank 1 14 11 41 Top Scorers WI: Verlvn Clobbers.

tom To. M.DB: Ed Stengel 16. GMW'tlnc- 111 4 1-14 Ichl.lni standard 1 17 11 41 Too Scorert Geno't: Gary Lueafte 12. Scnitlnz: Lvw Peterson IB. Minor A Bod Tankard 4 I1 11 19 II Poul Lot Com 17 II II II -11 Ton Scorer Tankard: Steve Ma.

rotz 19, Don Graves 1v. Paul't: ferry Vreeke 22. Dennis Huenlnk 22. The Putt H14 141 je Lakeshore Press 1 14 1 47 Too Scorers Pub: Jett Jensen 24. Lakeshore Rick Derut n.

archery" JSL Teesdar Nit Leaaut Bid rolhert 1142, Llndemann Ins. 1140; Big Irons 1112, Old Tankard Tavern 1175) JAM Too 1111, Ye Olde Inn 1179. High Shooters Stent: jonn noioen ctn in- rinn Austreno 263. JL Thursday NilM Ltdtw Bent Arrnws 1194. SandtKKKierS 1190.

NOCk busters 1112, Donahue Bulishoot-ers 1171, Olde Inn 1171. High Shooters John Holder. 291, Karl Felslnger 294. Paul Sorenton 2VS. Randy Even 2H, TnllH UinHt 11 J4L Monday NktM Leeewe Sklooer Inn II 1204.

Garv's Stoo Inn 1112; Bill's Archery 120), Ovnle't I14; Bv Bv 1IIS, Sklooer Inn I 1171. High Shooter Mvron Dolly 300, Jim neuner ni, Paul Schmidt Bob Ploooert 292, Scotl Williams 292, Randy Even m. hind second-place Pittsburgh entering their showdown Fn- TheRed Wines were due to The Red Wings were due to extract some revenge from enterine their showdown Fri-i Pittsburgh, which rallied from a 4-0 deficit for a 5-4 vie Of. D1- The Red Wings took a 1-0 lead on a second-period goal mY KGrCf) Malone tied it for Pittsburgh Danny Bo.duc. Dan'LbraWn POlOniCh SCOTed in thei niiai o.

to ui snap II1C SireaK. Polonich, said Kromm, has! been skating well all week, "I don't know if hfi rPi. too in tnum urVtof said the superstitious coach, "but he I'll pay for their rooms if they'll stav." Webster, Blier Are Keys To Steelers Run Game By MIKE McNICHOLS Wausau Daily Herald WAUSAU, Wis. (AP) Center Mike Webster and running back Rocky Bleier have played similar roles this season In helping the Pittsburgh Steelers earn a Super Bowl berth. Webster, from Rhinelander, and Bleier, from Appleton, have had one main chore open the hole for Steeler fullback Franco Harris.

It will be the third Super Bowl for both when the Steelers play the' Dallas Cowboys in Miami Sunday. "One of the contributing factors of my even trying to make a comeback was because I had had a taste of professional football and I liked it," Bleier said in a telephone interview. "When you have an Injury, you try to overcompensate," he said. "My only concern was doing enough of what I thought was necessary because I wanted a chance to prove myself. I never wanted to have that question mark hanging over me.

I didn't want to look back and say that If I had done this or that, I could still be playing." Bleier rushed for more than 600 yards during the 1978 National Football League season and led on many of the blocks which helped Harris rush for more than 1,000. meanwhile, was named the best center In the NFL by the Associated Press. That's quite an accomplishment because he was not voted first team all-state when in high school at Rhinelander. He was, however, voted to the all-Wisconsin Valley Conference team In 1969 and was sec ond team all-state on defense. The Tomahawk-born Webster believes this Is the best of the three Steeler teams to play in the Super Bowl.

"We're much more flexible and can do a lot on both offense and defense," he said. "Wf're iriore explo- sive. With all the weapons we have, we can strike from anywhere on the field." "This one is better overall," agreed Bleier, a 1964 graduate of Appleton Xavier High School. "We're more mature and we have more depth." "The Super Bowl experience will help a lot," Bleier said. "It will be a big factor because we won't be overpowered by the fact that It's the Super Bowl.

It's just another game and we have to play up to our capabilities." Both players agree that the Steelers and Cowboys are the best teams in the NFL. Much of the Cowboys' success is based on its famed "Flex" defense, but Webster and Bleier are not too concerned about it. "If you understand the philosophy of it, you can attack it intelligently," Webster said. "On a pass rush, you know that they're sending the two up men with an occasional blitz," he said. "When It's a running situation, It's a little more of a problem.

They shift and stunt a lot with the linebacker. You have to preread the sets. Sometimes that takes awhile." i Bleier isn't worried about the Flex, which is a combination of a 4-3 and 2-S defense. "When you look at it, Harvey Martin might be off the ball, Randy White up, Jethro Pugh off the ball and Too Tall Jones up," Bleier said. "From there, they can play a regular 4-3 or the flex, which means the up people penetrate and the back people move with the flow of the plav." i Neither Wisconsin native would predict the outcome of the game.

But one thing Is for sure. The Pittsburgh Steelers don't want to be the first Steelers team to lose a Super Bowl game. Bus Schedule NORTHBOUND Midstate Air Commuter PASSENGER ANg AJR FREIGHT SCHEDULE Leave Arrive Flluhl Sheboygan Chicago Number Frequency 7:20 a.m. 8:08 a.m. IU40 Dally, Except Sunday IU42 Dally, Except Saturday 3:90 p.m.

4.35 p.m. IU 44 Dally Manitowoc Green Bay Frequency 10:40 a.m. 11:55 a.m. Dally 3.35 p.m. 4:50 p.m.

Dally 7.20 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Dally SOUTHBOUND Leave Sheboygan 10:00 a m. 2:55 p.m. 6:40 p.m.

Leave Sheboygan 8:35 a.m. 1:45 p.m. 7:20 p.m. Arrive Milwaukee 8:55 a.m. 12:15 a m.

5:20 p.m. II) 40 m. WESTBOUND ttldit Number 41 411 Leave Chicago 8 50 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 12:40 p.m.

Arrive Sheboygan 8:35 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:25 p.m. 5:98 p.m. 6:45 p.m.

For Reservation Information IU IU IU43 IU45 3:10 pm 8:35 p. Leave Sheboygan 8:00 a.m. 9:45 pm. 8:55 Frequency Dally, Except Sun. Saturday Only Dally, Except Saturday Dally Call, Toll Free: 1-H0M72-M2I NATIONAL St.

Andrew Panthers Bernienem Braves 1-1, oood Sheo-herd Falcons I Zion Aneels 4-2, St, Paul Ramt 2-1, Trinity Tigers 0-0, St, raui engies z-4, inriei pioneers e-e. AMERICAN ImmnniMl PlratM S.1 St. Thomas Beavers 4-2, St. Paul Lancers 11, St. Luke Colts 2-4, Oood Shepherd Giants 1-2, Bethlehem Badgers 1-S, v.

i-oui uwis 9-i, st Paul Mustangs 0-1. Arrive Fond du Lac Frequency Dally, txcupt Sunday, Holidays pm. Dully J'.

The Sheboygan Press from Sheboygan, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.